Working from home? Transform your workspace with our stylish PerformScents® "Home Office" Bundle containing everything you need to transform your home office and workplace in to a welcoming, pleasant, energising and productive space. The bundle includes:
- PerformScents® USB Essential Oil Diffuser
- PerformScents® Essential Oils - Set of 12 x 10ml Bottles
- PerformScents® Working From Home Guide - Sent by email
Our hand selected essential oils include:
- Peppermint
- Lemongrass
- Vetiver
- Rosemary
- Cinnamon
- Citrus
- Plus 6 other perfect loving scents design to make your home office smell wonderful!
Our easy to use, stylish USB Diffuser plugs straight into a USB port or plug. Fill with water, add a few drops of your selected scent. The diffuser uses the latest ultrasonic technology to gently lift the scent of essential oils into the air. You'll instantly transform your work space!
Order today!